Sunday, May 4, 2008

Slightly off-topic

This doesn't have anything to do with weather, but I wanted to post about it anyway!

This morning, a resident in a neighborhood about 2 miles from here took a picture of part of a very large animal. It was partially hidden by a bush, so all you can see is the tail and part of the back. It looks like a mountain lion to me! What do you think?!

Read the article and see the picture!

Now I know we've all read about how most wild animals are more afraid of us than we are of them. I'm sorry, but I've read too many stories of mountain lion attacks to be comforted by that. I'd rather be paranoid. ;) I assume that if it is a mountain lion, it is coming after the prolific herds of deer we have in our neighborhoods, along with a pet or two as a snack. Sorry, I know that's an awful thing to say. :(

Just the same, we won't be taking anymore walks after dark, and I'd advise everyone around here to keep your pets indoors as much as possible, and to not let your children play outdoors without having an eye on them at all times!

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Just checking to see if the comment feature works.