Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27th, 2008

Hopefully this post will go through!

Well, today was the 11th anniversary of the Jarrell, TX tornado! My mom and I walked out of Wal-Mart and saw a huge black cloud coming from the northeast. The rest is history! ;)

Today's forecast didn't look too promising. I was too busy to think much about it, but I did think that it would be funny if we had a storm today in the middle of this heat!

Around 6pm, my mom and I came out of Costco, and I half expected to see dark clouds. Ha ha! I didn't see any there, but as we got onto the elevated roads to come home, the northeastern sky looked "funny." Not stormy, just strange. By the time we got home, it was obvious something was happening, but we still didn't know what! A huge gust front blew through, lowering the temperature nearly 20 degrees in the span of about 5 minutes! Now that was a welcome feeling, since it had been 97 degrees! We got home, and my dad said, oh yes, there were some storms moving in.

I checked the radar. Yes, there were storms moving this way! From the northeast! Thankfully they were very benign rain showers instead of supercell thunderstorms with an F5 tornado inside!

God does have a sense of humor. ;)

Tonight we have a giant line of thunderstorms moving this way from the TX panhandle. I've seen this type of complex hold together long enough to give our area some decent rainfall in the past, so I am pretty optimistic about these! Our garden would enjoy a break from the hose water we've been feeding it lately.

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